About the Journal

Engineering Trunojoyo Madura International Conference is an annual international conference initiated by the Institute for Research and Community Service of Trunojoyo Madura University. This international conference welcomes articles from all fields related to engineering, science-technology, economic and social science. This year, the Institute for Research and Community Service will host the 1st Trunojoyo Madura International Conference 2023 (The 1st TMIC 2023).

This event will be held at the Grand Dafam Hotel Surabaya on 29th November 2023 with theme “Collaboration and Strengthening Local Potentials for Green Economy-Based Sustainable Development Towards Society 5.0”. TMIC will published article in E3S Web Conference (indexed in Web of Science and Scopus Database). This conferences will be held under TMIC (Trunojoyo Madura International Conference)